Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Religious Fundamentalism

Religious Fundamentalism

You already know your regular religious fundamentalist Joe. The one that's willing to step over the will of the majority to impose his own views as dictated by his religion.
For this guy the world, its existence and purpose and the way we should behave, has to be conformed to his convictions.
He'll even go to the high courts to advance his ideals, because that is a way to make others conform to his lifestyle at gunpoint.
In his religious schools he lets no different points of view be exposed, although his religion professes freedom of speech. All this he does without any negative reaction from the media.
But that’s enough already. Who is this guy? What's the name of the religion?
This fundamentalist religion is secularism.
They accuse the Christian religious of being fundamentalist; when they themselves are fundamentalists and one sided in their opinions.
They do anything to defend their theory of evolution, which hasn’t even been proven. (What have been proven are changes within species, but we already know that, that’s called breeding). But they reject to even hear the idea of intelligent design. Intelligent design makes some sense to me when I see and marvel at the complexity and how equilibrated this world is.

My questions: Isn’t your extreme secularist as dangerous as the extreme religious? And, why one is more frowned upon by the media than the other?

Fundamentalismo Religioso

Ya conoces al regular fundamentalista religioso. Aquel que está dispuesto a pisotear la voluntad de la mayoría para imponer sus puntos de vista de la manera en que su religion lo dicta.
Para este individuo el mundo, su existencia y propósito y la manera en que nos deberíamos comportar, tienen que estar en conformidad con sus conviciones.
El incluso ira a las cortes supremas para avanzar sus ideales, porque esa es la manera de hacer que otros adopten su estilo de vida a punta de pistola.
En sus escuelas religiosas el no permite que otros puntos de vista que difieren con el suyo sean expuestos, a pesar de que su religion profesa la libertad de expresión. El hace todo esto sin ninguna reacción negativa de los medios.
Pero ya es sufuciente. Quién es este individuo? Cuál es el nombre de la religion?
Esta religion fundamentalista es el secularismo.
Ellos acusan a los Cristianos religiosos de ser fundamentalistas; cuando ellos mismos son fundamentalistas y parciales en sus opiniones.
Ellos hacen cualquier cosa por defender su teoria de la evolution, cuando ni siquiera ha sido comprobada. (Lo que ha sido comprobado son los cambios dentro de una especie, pero eso ya lo sabemos, eso se llama crianza de animales- como ciertas razas de perros, de ganada vacuno etc. no podemos decir que en una época el perro era pequeño al ver a un Chihuahua, y que luego evolucionó para convertirse en el Gran Danés-) Pero ellos rechazan tan solo la mención del diseño inteligente. Diseño inteligente me parece que tiene sentido cuando veo y me maravillo ante la complejidad y equilibrio del universo.

Mis preguntas: No es el seculatista extremo tan peligroso como el religioso? Y, porqué es uno mas desaprobado por los medios que el otro?


John Ryan said...

Well said! Speaking of evolution, we know when we look at a building that there is a builder because we can clearly see the building. When we look at a painting we know there is a painter simply because we can see the painting. We know there is a creator because we can clearly see creation. From one of Ray Comforts Audios at

Did you know what the Latin definition of atheist is? It’s ignoramus!

God Bless,
John Ryan

Ivanoff said...

Dear Gnosticpope:

Thanks for your posts.

It's clear that we come from different perspectives, but when you say that you "believe in god", how do you picture him, it, she, them etc. What is he like?

I just want to understand your point of view.

Thank you.

soyChapin said...

Este concepto de fundamentalismo secular está muy interesante. Debemos evangelizar a todos que si no creen en los peligros de la propagación mediática de la evolución, serán aniquilados en guerra santa.

No, seriously, I mean... good way of looking at things... secular fundamentalism, never thought about it before, will not forget about it from now on. And about gnosticPope, forget hium, his god is probably not stupid, nor stgnant, just a modern scientist... who has to have faith in science to begin with!